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Party Ideas

Parties are a time to have fun, so, we have selected some ideas to help you making the most of it.

If possible, begin planning your party 4-5 weeks in advance. Allowing plenty of time for on-line shopping, themed party decor hiring, cake and home made snacks orders and inviting friends and family.

Pick a party theme and contact us for availability on the day you will require.

Make a decision about where to hold the party whether at your's or at a venue and if you go for the second option, make a list of places you would like to visit and book the one that seems more appropriate for the party you are planning. The perfect place will be the one that provide enough room for the themed party decor and for the kids to run around and play freely, sitting places for grown-ups, facilities in a easy reach, a kitchen for arranging the party food before serving and location. Some times is not that easy to find all your requirements under the same place, so, you will have then to decide which one is most suitable of all.

Children remember what they did at a party. For this purpose, arrange some games, or book an entertainer to keep them busy for at least one hour...

The best party times really depend on the child's age and what would be more convenient for you and your guests. Some sugestions are 1pm - 3pm, 2pm - 4pm, 2pm - 5pm.

Who to Invite

Parties for very young children, often will include family members, friends, etc. As your child gets older, invite your child's closest classmates. They already know each other well which makes the party so much more fun! Think about friends from afterschool, saturday language school, music school, relatives and neighbours.

It's not mandatory that you invite the siblings of your child's friends, or even parents (unless children are very young). Most parents enjoy the break and you won't feel so much pressure to entertain adults.

Win or Lose Party Games

No one should go home a loser!

Competitive games are enjoyable only for the people who win. A party should be fun...Avoid tears by selecting games where everyone gets a chance to succeed. For example, if it's a game like musical chairs, when a player is called "out", assign that player the task of playing the music.

After one round, that player will rejoin the group. Better yet, plan a few cooperative games, in which the whole gang faces a challenge, such as following a treasure map, then they each receive a prize or split the treasure evenly.


Pinatas are one of the most popular party games guaranteed to get any party started. The idea is that your fill your pinata with sweets or toys and hang it up. The children then take turns at swiping it with the bashing stick. Eventually the pinata starts to crack and the goodies inside come tumbling out. For older children why not purchase the pinata blindfold to make it more difficult?

Party Favours

In choosing party favours, give a beautiful thank you item/items that reflects the party theme; a flower pot and seeds for a garden party, modeling clay for an art party, etc.. You can even send the kids home with a treasure they've made during the party. The birthday child should hand out the favours. This will remind her to say "thank you".

Thanks for visit (Kingofmagician)